Gas vs Charcoal Grill

August 08, 2022

Gas vs Charcoal Grill: Let's Settle This Beef

No summer cookout is complete without a deliciously grilled meal. But when it comes to choosing between a gas or a charcoal grill, things can get heated. The Flare Compare team is here to break down the pros and cons of each and help you make an informed decision.


When it comes to cost, gas grills are generally more expensive upfront, with entry-level models starting around $200. Charcoal grills, on the other hand, can be found for as little as $30. However, the cost of fuel should also be considered. While a propane tank for a gas grill can last anywhere from 10-20 hours, it can cost around $20-$25 to refill. Charcoal, on the other hand, is significantly cheaper, with a 20-pound bag costing around $20 and lasting for multiple uses.

Flare Compare Tip

Save some extra bucks by buying charcoal in bulk or by stacking coupons. Your wallet and grill will thank you.


Gas grills win out in terms of convenience. They heat up quickly and are easier to control the temperature, allowing for more accurate cooking. They also require less cleanup since there are no ashes to dispose of. Charcoal grills, on the other hand, take longer to heat up and require more attention to control the temperature. They also require more cleanup due to the ash residue.

Flare Compare Pun

Gas grills are the "Instant gratification" of the grilling world. Charcoal grills are the "Slow and steady wins the race" type.


The biggest debate between gas and charcoal grills is the difference in flavor. Charcoal grills are known for giving food a distinct smoky flavor that's hard to replicate. However, gas grills have come a long way in recent years and can now provide similar results with the help of wood chips or smoker boxes.

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Gas grills let you have the flavor without the effort. Charcoal grills make you work for it, but the payoff is worth it.

Environmental Impact

When it comes to the environment, charcoal grills have a higher carbon footprint due to the production and transportation of the charcoal. Gas grills, on the other hand, produce fewer emissions and have a lower impact on the environment. However, propane is still a fossil fuel and not a renewable energy source.

Flare Compare Tip

If environmental impact is a concern, look for natural lump charcoal, which is made from sustainable sources and produces less ash.


In the end, the choice between a gas or charcoal grill comes down to personal preference and lifestyle. If convenience and ease of use are top priorities, a gas grill may be the way to go. However, if you're looking for that smoky, old-school flavor and don't mind putting in a bit more effort, a charcoal grill could be the right choice for you.


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